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Postgres and S3


Requires @compas/store to be installed

Most projects also require some way of persisting data. Compas aides in providing a PostgreSQL client and some utilities around setting up a database.

Starting PostgreSQL

First that we need to make sure we have a running PostgreSQL instance. Compas helps here, by managing a Docker-based PostgreSQL server. Previously you have already installed @compas/cli, which contains the necessary commands.

compas docker up

As you may have seen in the output, it does not only start a PostgreSQL container, but also a Minio container. Minio is a S3 compatible document store, which can be used for saving files.

Some other docker commands provided by @compas/cli:

# Stop the running containers
compas docker down
# Remove all created Docker containers and volumes
compas docker clean
# Cleanup project specific databases
compas docker clean --project [name]

Setup @compas/store

The @compas/store packages provides a few abstractions over PostgreSQL and S3:

  • Schema migration runner
  • Persistent file storage
  • Job queue implementation, supporting priority, recurring jobs, scheduled jobs and multiple workers
  • Session store compatible with the session middleware exported by @compas/server.
  • Test databases for integration testing

These features are mostly powered by a set of environment variables. Add the following to you .env file:

# Postgres

# S3
# None are needed for development

Let's break it down a bit. APP_NAME is used in various places, but most importantly, it is the default name for your database, file bucket and logs. Then we have some PostgreSQL connection configuration, kept as simple as possible. For the S3 connection to Minio we don't need to configure anything. Compas provides a function to use the default connection settings in development. For production you should use one of the recommended ways as per the AWS SDK docs.

And lastly we need to install @compas/store:

yarn add --exact @compas/store
# OR
npm add --save-exact @compas/store

Connecting to PostgreSQL

Now that we have everything setup, let's see if we can make a connection to PostgreSQL. Create a file at scripts/database.js with the following contents:

import { mainFn } from "@compas/stdlib";
import { newPostgresConnection } from "@compas/store";

// Remember, mainFn reads our `.env` file automatically
mainFn(import.meta, main);

async function main(logger) {
	const sql = await newPostgresConnection({
		createIfNotExists: true, // Create a new database if `compastodo` is not found
		result: await sql`SELECT 1 + 1 as "sum"`,

	// Close the connection
	await sql.end();

This ties in various parts of your local environment. We don't have any tables yet in our database, so we execute a sum query and log the result. So let's run it:

compas database
# or
node ./scripts/database.js

Connecting to S3

Connecting to our local Minio instance requires just a big one-liner;

const s3Client = objectStorageCreateClient(
	isProduction() ?
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
		/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
			/* Use AWS docs for recommended credentials usage */
	:	objectStorageGetDevelopmentConfig(),

A client is no good without a bucket, so let's create one;

await objectStorageEnsureBucket(s3Client, {
	bucketName: "my-bucket",
	locationConstraint: "eu-central-1",

Now we are ready to roll.