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Axios API client

As seen at the targets Compas supports generating API clients based on Axios. Even though we support different target languages (JavaScript and TypeScript) and runtimes (Node.js, browser, React-Native), the generated interface looks practically the same over all of them. In this documented we use the Typescript variant for the broswer runtime

import { Generator } from "@compas/code-gen";

const generator = new Generator();

	targetLanguage: "ts",
	outputDirectory: "./src/generated",
	generators: {
		apiClient: {
			target: {
				library: "axios",
				targetRuntime: "browser",
				globalClient: false,
				includeWrapper: "react-query",


Compas generates a specific, fully typed, function for each available route.

import { apiUserList } from "./generated/user/apiClient";
// declare function apiUserList(axiosInstance: AxiosInstance): Promise<UserListResponse>;

const { users } = await apiUserList(axiosInstance);

// Extra inputs like route params, query params or a request body is typed as well
// declare function apiUserUpdate(axiosInstance: AxiosInstance, params: { userId: string }, body: { receiveNotifications: boolean }): Promise<UserListResponse>;
await apiUserUpdate(axiosInstance, { userId: "uuid-x" }, { receiveNotifications: true });

React-query wrapper

When includeWrapper is set to react-query, Compas will generate a wrapper hook around each API client function using TanStack Query. The above examples can then be used like

import { ApiProvider } from "./generated/api-client";
import { useUserList, useUserUpdate } from "./generated/reactQueries";

function App() {
	// Wrap your React tree with the generated ApiProvder
	// This step is not necessary when `globalClients` is set to `true`, see below.
	return (
				/* ... */
			<UserList />

function UserList() {
	const { data } = useUserList();
	const { mutate: updateUser } = useUserUpdate(
			// Automatically invalidate dependant queries when they are provided in the structure
			invalidateQueries: true,

	// Use some form library
	const { onSubmit } = useForm({
		onSubmit: (values) => {
			// Call the mutation
				params: {
					userId: values.selectedUser,
				body: {
					receiveNotifications: value.receiveNotifications,

	return <div>{/* ... */}</div>;

Global client usage

If the globalClient option is set to true in the generate call, Compas will generate a common/api-clients.ts file. This contains a bare Axios (and react-query QueryClient) instance. This removes the need to pass in the AxiosInstance as the first argument on all generated API calls.

Use this with caution if you do things like server-side-rendering (SSR) for authenticated pages, as the global client will be reused across different requests from different users.

Overwriting options on global clients can be done as well:

import { QueryClient } from "@tanstack/react-query";
import { axiosInstance } from "./generated/api-clients";

axiosIntance.defaults.baseURL = "";

// And if you use the react-query wrapper
import { queryClient } from "./generated/api-clients";

	queries: {
		retry: 2,