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Code generation targets

Compas code generators are based on a combination of targets. The most important target is which programming language you want to use: the targetLanguage.

import { Generator } from "@compas/code-gen";

const generator = new Generator();

	targetLanguage: "ts",

The supported target languages are:

  • js: Generate plain JavaScript. This utilizes ES Modules.
  • ts: Generates TypeScript files

Each of the below generators has support for one or more of these target languages. They could combine this with supported target libraries, runtimes or dialects depending on the generator.

To automatically write the generated files to disk, you can use an outputDirectory. If it is not specified all generated files will be returned.

import { Generator } from "@compas/code-gen";

const generator = new Generator();

	targetLanguage: "ts",
	outputDirectory: "./src/generated",


The structure generator dumps the input Compas structure to disk. This is useful for libraries to expose some types to the user or can be used for post processing. It ignores all targets.

import { Generator } from "@compas/code-gen";

const generator = new Generator();

	targetLanguage: "ts",
	generators: {
		structure: {},


The type generator is enabled for all supported target languages. Other generators will utilize it to write their specific types. There are few options you can optionally specify

import { Generator } from "@compas/code-gen";

const generator = new Generator();

	targetLanguage: "ts",
	generators: {
		types: {
			declareGlobalTypes: true,
			includeBaseTypes: true,
  • declareGlobalTypes: This wraps all generated types in a declare global block, skipping the need to import specific types on usage.
  • includeBaseTypes: By default, only the used types by the other generators will be generated. By enabling this option, all known types in the specification will be generated. This can be usefull when you utilize Compas in libraries.


If the targetLanguage is set to js, TypeScript types will still be generated. You can use these generated types in combination with the TypeScript language server to improve auto completion. See Types in JS for tips and tricks.


Like the type generator, the validator generator also always enabled for all supported target languages. Compas generators will inject validators in critical parts of the generated output to ensure that only structurally correct values can pass. Preventing wrong data or even over sharing information.

import { Generator } from "@compas/code-gen";

const generator = new Generator();

	targetLanguage: "ts",
	generators: {
		validators: {
			includeBaseTypes: true,
  • includeBaseTypes: By default, only the used types by the other generators will get a validator. By enabling this option, all known types in the specification will get a generated validator. This can be usefull when you utilize Compas in libraries. This value will imply types.includeBaseTypes, since the validator generator will automatically call the type generator to generate the corresponding input and output types.

API clients

The API client generator provides support to choose your own target library. For some supported libraries, there is even a need to specify the language runtime.

Supported libraries:

  • Fetch: This standard is supported in combination with the js or ts target languages.
  • Axios: This library is supported in combination with the js or ts target languages.
  • ...we are currently thinking about the next target to support. Feel free to open an issue!

The Axios and Fetch based API clients also need to differentiate between the supported runtimes. This is necessary to determine if response validation should be enabled, and to work around compatibilities of different FormData implementations.

import { Generator } from "@compas/code-gen";

const generator = new Generator();

	targetLanguage: "ts",
	generators: {
		apiClient: {
			target: {
				library: "fetch",
				targetRuntime: "browser",
				globalClient: true,
				includeWrapper: "react-query",
  • target.library: Determine which API library will be used. See above for the supported libraries
  • target.targetRuntime: Specify the runtime which will be used. Accepted values are: node.js, browser and react-native. This is only necessary for the axios and fetch targets.
  • target.includeWrapper: Also generate an API client wrapper to ease integration with your UI framework. Supports react-query to generate React hooks, including auto query invalidations if the structure includes them.
  • target.globalClient: Used by the axios and fetch targets to generate a global AxiosInstance or Fetch-function. This removes the need to pass the client to each generated function. Also supports a global QueryClient if the react-query wrapper is used.
  • responseValidation.looseObjectValidation: When the target.targetRuntime is set to node.js, the API client responses are automatically validated. This defaults to a loose object validation, allowing the response to contain more keys than the type suggests. If you use the generated API client for E2E testing, you may want to set this option to false. This ensures that you don't overshare any data, as the validator will error on extra properties in your response.


Make sure that you don't share state on the global clients in server contexts. Like when you use the API client in Next.js getServerSideProps.


Compas also supports generating an optimized router for the available routes in the structure. This is supported with the js target language. The router will automatically generate the necessary types and validators for route parameters, query parameters, request bodies and responses.

It has support for the following target libraries:

  • Koa: Generates a Koa compatible router, passing the Koa Context to your controllers.
  • ...we are currently thinking about the next target to support. Feel free to open an issue!
import { Generator } from "@compas/code-gen";

const generator = new Generator();

	targetLanguage: "js",
	generators: {
		router: {
			target: {
				library: "koa",
			exposeApiStructure: true,
  • target.library: the library to generate a router for.
  • exposeApiStructure: adds /_compas/structure.json which exposes all the available routes and necessary types. This can be used by clients to generate a compatible API client.


Compas is able to convert its structure to an OpenAPI 3 specification compatible format. This loses some information like invalidations. It can be used to generate API clients for targets not supported by Compas.

import { Generator } from "@compas/code-gen";

const generator = new Generator();

	targetLanguage: "js",
	generators: {
		openApi: {
			openApiExtensions: {},
			openApiRouteExtensions: {},
  • openApiExtenstions: An object to override some root properties in the generated OpenAPI specification
  • openApiRouteExtensions: Add metadata to specific routes. This can be used with for example OpenAPI's security schemes, to add specific authentication methods to a route.


The Compas generator can also generate queries for different databases. This is based on dialects instead of libraries. We are not planning to support different target libraries for a single dialect per target language.

Supported dialects

  • postgres: This is supported with the js target language via porsager/postgres package.
import { Generator } from "@compas/code-gen";

const generator = new Generator();

	targetLanguage: "js",
	generators: {
		database: {
			target: {
				dialect: "postgres",
				includeDDL: true,
			includeEntityDiagram: true,
  • target.dialect: the dialect that will be used
  • target.includeDDL: include example DDL output to facilitate writing migration files.
  • includeEntityDiagram: Generate an entity diagram. This is done via Mermaid and written in a markdown file in to the common directory.