Node.js Postgres
The database generator supports generating the basic CRUD queries based on the provided entities, using the Node.js postgres client and the Compas @compas/store
provided query
import { Generator } from "@compas/code-gen";
const generator = new Generator();
// Build your own structure or import an existing one
targetLanguage: "js",
outputDirectory: "./src/generated",
generators: {
database: {
target: {
dialect: "postgres",
includeDDL: true,
includeEntityDiagram: true,
Start with initializing the Postgres client
import { newPostgresConnection } from "@compas/store";
// Applies various defaults, works with 'compas docker up' and has a counterpart for
// testing, 'createTestPostgresDatabase'.
const sql = await newPostgresConnection();
import postgres from "postgres";
const sql = postgres();
Note that the Postgres table and column names keep the same case as provided in your structure. In the examples we will use camelCase
names. This requires double-quoting identifiers when you use custom queries like
SELECT "id", "isPremiumMember"
FROM "userSettings" us
us."isPremiumMember" = TRUE;
// All inserts, updates and deletes are exported via `queries`
import { queries } from "./generated/common/database.js";
await queries.userInsert(sql, {
// provide a custom primary key, this is optional.
id: uuid(),
email: "",
// The inserted rows are returned as well.
const [myUser] = await queries.userInsert(sql, {
email: "",
// Multiple inserts can be done in a single call.
await queries.postInsert(sql, [
title: "Hello",
title: "Post 2",
// Note that all database inputs and outputs are validated according to your structure
// So the following will fail, when the user does not have an `age` column.
await queries.userInsert(sql, {
email: "",
age: 15,
Compas generated select queries are able to join the relations and return a nested object while doing a single query to the database (with help from inline selects).
import { queryUser } from "./generated/database/user.js";
// Only select all users
const users = await queryUser({}).exec(sql);
// Select all users with posts, the generated types should hint you with the available
// relations.
const usersWithPosts = await queryUser({
posts: {},
// usersWithPosts[0].posts -> DatabasePost[]
// Ofcourse, any number of relations is allowed
await queryUser({
posts: {
author: {}, // rejoins the user again
// A subset of fields can be selected, not the use of `.execRaw`, this opts out of
// validated and transformed database results.
await queryUser({
select: ["id", "email"],
// Ordering and pagination can be done as well
// Ordering defaults on `createdAt ASC, updatedAt ASC` when `withDates` is provided in
// the structure, or else using `id ASC`.
await querUser({
offset: 0,
limit: 10,
// order by determines which columns is sorted on first
orderBy: ["email"],
// The spec provides which way a column is sorted
// on.
orderBySpec: {
email: "DESC",
Extensive where clauses are supported as well. Note that only columns with .searchable()
in the structure will be allowed in the where clause.
import { query } from "@compas/store";
// Exact match
await queryUser({
where: {
id: session.userId,
// WHERE id = $1
// Exact match on multiple columns
await queryUser({
where: {
email: "",
age: 15,
// WHERE email = $1 AND age = $2
// Escape hatch for custom where-clauses, for example when filtering on a JSONB property
await queryUser({
where: {
$raw: query`data->>'receiveChangelogViaEmail' = ${true}`,
// WHERE (data->>'receiveChangelogViaEmail' = $1)
await queryUser({
where: {
isPremiumMember: true,
$or: [
email: "",
age: 15,
// WHERE "isPremiumMember" = true AND (email = $1 OR age = $2)
// Various logical operators are supported as well, depending on the column type.
await queryUser({
ageGreaterThan: 18,
emailNotEqual: "",
roleIn: ["admin", "moderator"],
// Include soft deleted records
await queryUser({
where: {
deletedAtIncludeNotNull: true,
Another feature supported by the generated where-clauses is relation traversal. This allows you to query an entity while filtering the results via relations.
import { queryPost } from "./generated/database/post.js";
// Get all posts for a specific author
await queryPost({
where: {
viaAuthor: {
where: {
// Is the same as
await queryPost({
where: {
// Get all posts with a specific tag
await queryPost({
where: {
viaTags: {
where: {
name: "Node.js",
// Resolve all posts liked by users over 18 years
await queryPost({
where: {
viaLikes: {
where: {
viaUser: {
where: {
ageGreaterThan: 18,
import { queries } from "./generated/common/database.js";
// Basic update
await queries.userUpdate(sql, {
where: {
update: {
age: 19,
// Set an optional column to 'null'. This is one of the only places where `null` is explicitly accepted by Compas
await queries.userUpdate(sql, {
where: {
update: {
verifyToken: null,
// Return all columns
await queries.userUpdate(sql, {
where: {
update: {
age: 19,
returning: "*",
// Return a selection of columns
await queries.userUpdate(sql, {
where: {
update: {
age: 19,
returning: ["id", "age"],
// Soft delete a record
await queries.userUdpate(sql, {
where: {
update: {
deletedAt: new Date(),
Atomic updates are also supported on various column types
import { queries } from "./generated/common/database.js";
// Basic update
await queries.userUpdate(sql, {
where: {
update: {
// "isPremiumMember" = NOT "isPremiumMember"
isPremiumMeber: {
$negate: true,
// "age" = "age" + 1
age: {
$add: 1,
// "data" = jsonb_set("data", {receiveEmails}, false)
data: {
$set: {
path: ["receivEmails"],
value: false,
import { queries } from "./generated/common/database.js";
// Accept any where-cluase.
await queries.userDelete(sql, {
// Note that soft deleted records are always included, unlike the other where-clauses.